I'll be 18 tomorrow and I'm so excited. So in honor of me being 18 here is a list of 18 things I have learned over the years! ^_^
1. Trust God
I know these seems like "no duh" but really, if you just take the time and say "Lord, I can't do this I give you this and this"
2. Don't judge a book by its cover
Again it seems like "no duh" but really guys. So there was this group of people I didn't like at all last year but this year I decided to give them a chance and now I'm pretty good friends with all of them.
3. Being angry is easier than being forgiving
Forgiving isn't easy but very necessary. If you stay angry then you could lose friendships, I almost lost one this year because I didn't want to forgive her But once I did life got so much easier!
4. Books over Boys
Okay so I don't believe in dating in highschool and since I removed the boy drama from my life I have been able to focus on studies a lot more and I have been a lot happier too.
5. Trying something new isn't bad
I wrote a book and might get it published because I like to write and my friend said that publishing it would be fun cause she has done it. It is super scary but it is also amazing because it's new.
6. Family is important
Again no duh but really, you only live with your family for a certain amount of time, you can see your friends whenever. So you need to focus on your family now.
7. Take pictures of everything
My friend passed away last year and I don't have one picture of her and I together, i have no idea why but it's very sad to me that I don't have any pictures with her.
My life moto is "Suck it up buttercup" because that is what my parents have told me my whole and when I'm in a tough spot that saying helps me so much
9. Go to song
You need a go to song for when life gets you down, mine is "Hold On Small One" by LoftLand. Whenever I'm upset I just listen to that song and I feel better
10. BFFs can be boys or girls
If you are a girl and your best friend is a boy don't let people teasing you and saying "do you like him? that must be the only reason you guys are so close" keep you from a friendship that could be so amazing. I have best friends who are girls but my best friend in the whole world is a guy. I always tell people that we are so close and such good friends that he will be the maid of honor at my wedding. ^_^
11. Carry a stun gun or pepper spray
Okay. So I'm a cautious person. I almost always have my stun gun on me or pepper spray. It keeps me safe and makes me feel protected. I have noticed it makes some of my friends nervous but in the end I rather be protected and protect others than make some one comfortable. That's why when I turn 18 I'm going to start selling Damsel in Defense, it is An amazing company that I'll most likely do a blog post on soon.
12. Be yourself
I know, I know, DUH. But hardly anyone listens to this even tho people agree with this. I am me, if that's not good enough for you then I'm sorry but I'm not changing. If you live by that moto then you will be so much more happy and Freer than ever.
13. Don't be afraid to say no
I am terrible at this and normally end up stressing myself out because I take on to much. I picked up this trait from my mom. It's not really a bad trait because I love serving and helping people but you have to know where the line is on how much you can handle.
14. It's totally okay to put you first sometimes
I'm bad at this too, I put people before me A lot. But sometimes you need to take a break, breathe, and just relax and do something you want to do.
15. Branch out
I use to think Sub Anime was terrible and I never wanted to watch it. Well I finally did and that's about all I watch. I thought All Time Low (the band) was scary until I gave them A chance, now Im trying to get my gradutioning class to have "Somewhere in Neverland" as our gradution song. Trying new things and branching out can really help you reach other people and make new friends and see new things.
16. Be outgoing
So many of my friends are super shy and I honestly don't know how to be that way because I'm a super out going person. Being outgoing has helped me make tons of friends and branch out and try new things and reach people. I don't know I just love it.
17. Have confidence
"You are smarter than you think
Braver than you beilive and
Stronger than you seem" (i think that is out of order but that's okay)
You need to be sure of yourself because you are amazing and everyone else sees that so you should too.
18. Nerdy/geeky is okay
I'm a total nerd and geek so let me tell you it is totally okay to be who we are because we rock. With my geek knowledge of X-23 I got a free R.I.P button and some money taken off my comic books I bought. Listen, nerds and geeks rule the world so there is no shame in being us.