

Thursday, October 15, 2015

This Blog

This blog has reached 700 pageviews! Thank you so much for getting me to this point everyone, it means the world to me. Since this blog is doing so well it made me realize that people actually like to read it so I'm going to start posting things that have a bit of meat to them.

Who can you share your story with? I can share mine with people who have gone through similar things as it and probably most girls.

"I can't share my testimony because its not good enough"
Who says it's not good enough, people or God? Because God never ever says your testimony or you are not good enough so you must have gotten that idea from people and let me tell you, you are very wrong about this. You don't have to have some horrible tragic backstory that leads to this "mountain top Jesus moment" and/or a "God intervention" where you actually heard God speak. A testimony is your life story once you've given it to God. You start from post giving your life to God, then you say how you gave your life to God, then it's what happened afterwards and what is happening now. My "Come to Jesus moment" happened at a young age at VBS, I don't have the same testimony as the girl who had abusive parents and her friend invited her to church camp and she accepted Jesus and was able to turn her and her parents life around because of Jesus' love, and let me tell you, THAT IS OKAY! God gave you the life you live for a reason, He made it to where your parents are your parents for a reason, they do the stuff they do for a reason. This all goes into your life and your testimony

Sharing your life lessons is really important because it might impact someone who is going through the same thing or someone's friend who is going through the same thing.

"I don't have any life lessons to share"
Like I said earlier, you might not have the same life story as the person next to you so probably won't have the same life lessons. Here is a couple I learned by just going through everyday life:
1. Trusting God is the right thing to do: I'm sure this is a big 'No duh' thing for some of you but trusting God can be super scary sometimes because we want to be in control but there are somethings you just can't control. My brother Braden got cancer when he was 4, he went into remission but relapsed at age 11. He's in remission again but those times he wasn't was so scary. I remember thinking "People hardly surive cancer once how can Braden do it twice?" I'll tell you how, God has a plan and Braden getting cancer was part of that plan. Braden can now relate to people me and you never could and God is going to use that in his life because the things we go through shape us for God's ultimate plan.
2. God works through everything, and I mean everything: My best friend and I were fighting, not over anything big just over little stuff that built up over time because she didn't talk about it because she hates confrontation and I have a bad temper once I get angry enough. Well I got angry enough and I decided to end our friendship but she wanted to meet up for lunch after church on Sunday. I agreed but didn't tell her I was planning on ending our friendship. That week all I heard people talk about was resolving conflict and at first I found it annoying but then I started praying and asking God if this is what I should really do. After a talk with my other best friend (who is super wise for being only 14), a lot of praying, I started to feel unsure about ending the friendship but I wanted to go through it anyways because I felt really done with it all. That Saturday I watched two totally different shows (Last Man Standing and Girl Meets World) and they were about resolving conflict. This was my undoing, I went to my room and opened up the bible study book you are seeing pictures of, I was catching up on the past three days I missed. That Sunday I got up and looked at my bible study again and saw it said "Restoring Broken Fellowship" I broke down into tears, did my bible study and texted my friend to look at today's bible study it really goes with what we are going through and she texted back "How does communication among fellowship (talking during small group) go with what we are going through?" I then realized when I was catching up the night before I had did one to many and  I was actually doing Monday's bible study! If God hadn't had made my life so busy that weekend to where I had to spend Saturday catching up, I probably would have ended my friendship.

Godly passion. I'm not totally sure what mine is because until this morning I hadn't really thought about it but I can tell you what my brother's is, kids. My brother loves kids so much and always plays with them and talks to them and is so amazing with them all the time. Even when he is having a bad day with his medical problems he never lashes out at kids even when they upset him. I can see my brother being a youth pastor one day. 
"I don't know what my godly passion is, does that mean I don't have one?"
No, it just means you have to ask God to show you your godly passion, that's what I did this morning, I'm just waiting for a reply. It never hurts to ask God about something/everything. Never be scared to ask Him to show you something.

We have to love like God loves and that is super hard, trust me. Did you think I wanted to love my best friend when she's hurt me over and over again? No, I didn't but God has other plans. So in my family we have a saying that I'm sure one day will be tattooed onto me, "Suck it up Buttercup". Life is tough but we have God so we just got to suck it up, love others, and trust him.

"I'm scared to share Christ, what if my friends don't like me afterwards? How do I even talk to them about if they don't know Him at all???"
You speak a language only few speak. You speak your native tongue, English, Spanish, ect. But you may also speak computers, sports, drama, music, geek, nerd, horses, math, videogames. Whatever you speak is a way you can reach people, I have friends that are dorks and I speak dork and through that we can build a relationship and then I can show them Jesus. Like I said, God has a plan. Your friend will come to Jesus either through you or the seed you plant. But if you don't share Jesus then your friend might miss the only time he/she could have heard about Him.

I hope this is your prayer today because I know it's mine. This can be tough sometimes but we have to trust God will help us through it and able to share our Faith with someone we know even though it will be hard, just pray about it, the person and for yourself before you try anything.

Thanks for reading guys.

Oh! And thank you for the 700 views!


1 comment:

  1. Great job, Brittney. I am so thankful that you didn't end that friendship. God bless you today and always!
    Mr. Stacy, or Uncle Stacy, either one works :)
