"You don't spell it, you feel it." Pooh answered.
What is love?
Love is that warm feeling you get when you look at that one guy or girl. Love is that feeling you get when your mom hugs and says everything will be okay. Love is whatever you want it to be.
That's great and all, but when is love really love?
That's a great question I don't have the answer to because I've never been in love. But that doesn't stop me from having an opinion on the subject.
Now remember, I've never dated, never kissed a guy, never been in love and only have really really liked 5 guys my whole life, so take my words however you do.
People say you'll know love when you fall into it. That it's just something you'll know. I think that's true to a point depending on who the person is and how you choose to feel. It's like an on and off switch. You meet the person, get to know them, and somewhere along the way you make this choice to either keep liking them and fall in love at some point or to not like them and to stop it. I think, sometimes we don't know we make that choice but we still make it. So when you make the choice then you have to work for it. It won't be like a fairytale, it won't be magics butterflies and heart eyes forever. One day you may wake and say "I don't love this person anymore" and that may be true but before you make that choice ask yourself if you have really truly been working at the relationship. I think when you do all of that is when it's real love. Because in my mind love is something you fight for.
"Well I'm in love and I want it so I'll fight for it" - says girls under 18 (basically children)
Well good for you, you have high raging hormones!
Now don't get me wrong, kids have strong feelings and maybe sometimes (out of the 98% of everyone else) they do fall in love. But most of those feelings that are so intense are the hormones and the intensity of being a teenager.
You feel things more intensely at this age because your body is going crazy, and your mind is going mental trying to keep up.
Now before I say more you must now I do not agree with dating in highschool. I will not condem you for dating or anything like that but this is what I believe in. I think there is no point to dating if you aren't going to be with that person for the rest of your life. I think that you should focus on school, family, and friends until college then you can add dating to the mix. I agree with going on a date every once in a while because you do need to figure out your preferences but serious dating is just to big of a distraction.
When you are 13-18 (in highschool) relationships are so important because that's all you know. When you add feelings to it that makes things harder and more inteasnse. I just don't understand why you would add the extra stress of a boyfriend/girlfriend to your life when your life is already so busy with family and school.
I don't think you can fall in love while in highschool and have it last because most of the time it doesn't. I can count on one hand the amount of people I know who dated in highschool then got married. That is great for them but I think unless God has a plan to use your dating life in highschool for something to glorify Him later then it probably won't work out.
If you are ever in doubt just use this trick, it helps a lot:
Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-6
"Love is patient, love is kind, ect."
Whever the word love is replace it with the persons name and see if they match up.
Is person X, patient, kind and understanding?
Full article with this trick here:
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