

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I'll be 18 tomorrow and I'm so excited. So in honor of me being 18 here is a list of 18 things I have learned over the years! ^_^ 

1. Trust God 
I know these seems like "no duh" but really, if you just take the time and say "Lord, I can't do this I give you this and this" 

2. Don't judge a book by its cover 
Again it seems like "no duh" but really guys. So there was this group of people I didn't like at all last year but this year I decided to give them a chance and now I'm pretty good friends with all of them. 

3. Being angry is easier than being forgiving 
Forgiving isn't easy but very necessary.  If you stay angry then you could lose friendships, I almost lost one this year because I didn't want to forgive her But once I did life got so much easier! 

4. Books over Boys 
Okay so I don't believe in dating in highschool and since I removed the boy drama from my life I have been able to focus on studies a lot more and I have been a lot happier too. 

5. Trying something new isn't bad 
I wrote a book and might get it published because I like to write and my friend said that publishing it would be fun cause she has done it. It is super scary but it is also amazing because it's new. 

6. Family is important 
Again no duh but really, you only live with your family for a certain amount of time, you can see your friends whenever. So you need to focus on your family now. 

7. Take pictures of everything 
My friend passed away last year and I don't have one picture of her and I together, i have no idea why but it's very sad to me that I don't have any pictures with her. 

My life moto is "Suck it up buttercup" because that is what my parents have told me my whole and when I'm in a tough spot that saying helps me so much 

9. Go to song 
You need a go to song for when life gets you down, mine is "Hold On Small One" by LoftLand. Whenever I'm upset I just listen to that song and I feel better 

10. BFFs can be boys or girls 
If you are a girl and your best friend is a boy don't let people teasing you and saying "do you like him? that must be the only reason you guys are so close" keep you from a friendship that could be so amazing. I have best friends who are girls but my best friend in the whole world is a guy. I always tell people that we are so close and such good friends that he will be the maid of honor at my wedding. ^_^

11. Carry a stun gun or pepper spray 
Okay. So I'm a cautious person. I almost always have my stun gun on me or pepper spray. It keeps me safe and makes me feel protected. I have noticed it makes some of my friends nervous but in the end I rather be protected and protect others than make some one comfortable. That's why when I turn 18 I'm going to start selling Damsel in Defense, it is An amazing company that I'll most likely do a blog post on soon. 

12. Be yourself 
I know, I know, DUH. But hardly anyone listens to this even tho people agree with this. I am me, if that's not good enough for you then I'm sorry but I'm not changing. If you live by that moto then you will be so much more happy and Freer than ever. 

13. Don't be afraid to say no 
I am terrible at this and normally end up stressing myself out because I take on to much. I picked up this trait from my mom. It's not really a bad trait because I love serving and helping people but you have to know where the line is on how much you can handle. 

14. It's totally okay to put you first sometimes 
I'm bad at this too, I put people before me A lot. But sometimes you need to take a break, breathe, and just relax and do something you want to do. 

15. Branch out 
I use to think Sub Anime was terrible and I never wanted to watch it. Well I finally did and that's about all I watch. I thought All Time Low (the band) was scary until I gave them A chance, now Im trying to get my gradutioning class to have "Somewhere in Neverland" as our gradution song. Trying new things and branching out can really help you reach other people and make new friends and see new things. 

16. Be outgoing
So many of my friends are super shy and I honestly don't know how to be that way because I'm a super out going person. Being outgoing has helped me make tons of friends and branch out and try new things and reach people. I don't know I just love it. 

17. Have confidence 
"You are smarter than you think
Braver than you beilive and
Stronger than you seem" (i  think that is out of order but that's okay)
You need to be sure of yourself because you are amazing and everyone else sees that so you should too. 

18. Nerdy/geeky is okay 
I'm a total nerd and geek so let me tell you it is totally okay to be who we are because we rock. With my geek knowledge of X-23 I got a free R.I.P button and some money taken off my comic books I bought. Listen, nerds and geeks rule the world so there is no shame in being us. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

College. 18. Yikes.

So this all just kinda hit me while trying to go to sleep. 
I'm going to be 18 Thursday, I'll be a leagal adult and be in charge of adult things and have super insane responsibility.  Am I even ready for that? 

I also I'm going to college at some point. I don't know where yet but I DID GET INTO ORU WHICH IS SUPER EXCITING! I also got an academic scholarship for ORU so that's insanely amazing. 
I'm either going to ORU or if I hopefully get in to North Eastern I might got there. 
It's narrowed down to those two colleges, I'm just waiting to hear back. I don't really want to apply for anymore colleges even though mom wants me too. I got into one of my top three, if I get into North Eastern and Tulsa (my other top ones) then it's just a matter of choosing. Since I'm already in one of the three I don't see the point of applying for more. Although I kinda want to apply to Harvard just to see if I get in even though I have no desire to go what so ever ^_^ . 

I don't know guys, am i even ready for college? I have to get a tutor to get me past Physics and Advanced Computers: Python  Programing so I'm very doubtful I am ready but everyone tells me I am. I also keep hearing "you won't have your parents in college so don't rely on them at all this year" and then I started to panic because I'm super close to both of my parents so we do a lot together, can I even survive without them??? I can't even braid my own hair! What am I going to do??? 

I'll tell you what I'm going to do, try to sleep, all this worrying is not good for my mental health and the stress isn't good for my face (vain I know but senior pictures are next week and I don't want bags under my eyes and mount pimple on my face). So goodnight lovelies I will write again soon. 


Thursday, October 15, 2015

This Blog

This blog has reached 700 pageviews! Thank you so much for getting me to this point everyone, it means the world to me. Since this blog is doing so well it made me realize that people actually like to read it so I'm going to start posting things that have a bit of meat to them.

Who can you share your story with? I can share mine with people who have gone through similar things as it and probably most girls.

"I can't share my testimony because its not good enough"
Who says it's not good enough, people or God? Because God never ever says your testimony or you are not good enough so you must have gotten that idea from people and let me tell you, you are very wrong about this. You don't have to have some horrible tragic backstory that leads to this "mountain top Jesus moment" and/or a "God intervention" where you actually heard God speak. A testimony is your life story once you've given it to God. You start from post giving your life to God, then you say how you gave your life to God, then it's what happened afterwards and what is happening now. My "Come to Jesus moment" happened at a young age at VBS, I don't have the same testimony as the girl who had abusive parents and her friend invited her to church camp and she accepted Jesus and was able to turn her and her parents life around because of Jesus' love, and let me tell you, THAT IS OKAY! God gave you the life you live for a reason, He made it to where your parents are your parents for a reason, they do the stuff they do for a reason. This all goes into your life and your testimony

Sharing your life lessons is really important because it might impact someone who is going through the same thing or someone's friend who is going through the same thing.

"I don't have any life lessons to share"
Like I said earlier, you might not have the same life story as the person next to you so probably won't have the same life lessons. Here is a couple I learned by just going through everyday life:
1. Trusting God is the right thing to do: I'm sure this is a big 'No duh' thing for some of you but trusting God can be super scary sometimes because we want to be in control but there are somethings you just can't control. My brother Braden got cancer when he was 4, he went into remission but relapsed at age 11. He's in remission again but those times he wasn't was so scary. I remember thinking "People hardly surive cancer once how can Braden do it twice?" I'll tell you how, God has a plan and Braden getting cancer was part of that plan. Braden can now relate to people me and you never could and God is going to use that in his life because the things we go through shape us for God's ultimate plan.
2. God works through everything, and I mean everything: My best friend and I were fighting, not over anything big just over little stuff that built up over time because she didn't talk about it because she hates confrontation and I have a bad temper once I get angry enough. Well I got angry enough and I decided to end our friendship but she wanted to meet up for lunch after church on Sunday. I agreed but didn't tell her I was planning on ending our friendship. That week all I heard people talk about was resolving conflict and at first I found it annoying but then I started praying and asking God if this is what I should really do. After a talk with my other best friend (who is super wise for being only 14), a lot of praying, I started to feel unsure about ending the friendship but I wanted to go through it anyways because I felt really done with it all. That Saturday I watched two totally different shows (Last Man Standing and Girl Meets World) and they were about resolving conflict. This was my undoing, I went to my room and opened up the bible study book you are seeing pictures of, I was catching up on the past three days I missed. That Sunday I got up and looked at my bible study again and saw it said "Restoring Broken Fellowship" I broke down into tears, did my bible study and texted my friend to look at today's bible study it really goes with what we are going through and she texted back "How does communication among fellowship (talking during small group) go with what we are going through?" I then realized when I was catching up the night before I had did one to many and  I was actually doing Monday's bible study! If God hadn't had made my life so busy that weekend to where I had to spend Saturday catching up, I probably would have ended my friendship.

Godly passion. I'm not totally sure what mine is because until this morning I hadn't really thought about it but I can tell you what my brother's is, kids. My brother loves kids so much and always plays with them and talks to them and is so amazing with them all the time. Even when he is having a bad day with his medical problems he never lashes out at kids even when they upset him. I can see my brother being a youth pastor one day. 
"I don't know what my godly passion is, does that mean I don't have one?"
No, it just means you have to ask God to show you your godly passion, that's what I did this morning, I'm just waiting for a reply. It never hurts to ask God about something/everything. Never be scared to ask Him to show you something.

We have to love like God loves and that is super hard, trust me. Did you think I wanted to love my best friend when she's hurt me over and over again? No, I didn't but God has other plans. So in my family we have a saying that I'm sure one day will be tattooed onto me, "Suck it up Buttercup". Life is tough but we have God so we just got to suck it up, love others, and trust him.

"I'm scared to share Christ, what if my friends don't like me afterwards? How do I even talk to them about if they don't know Him at all???"
You speak a language only few speak. You speak your native tongue, English, Spanish, ect. But you may also speak computers, sports, drama, music, geek, nerd, horses, math, videogames. Whatever you speak is a way you can reach people, I have friends that are dorks and I speak dork and through that we can build a relationship and then I can show them Jesus. Like I said, God has a plan. Your friend will come to Jesus either through you or the seed you plant. But if you don't share Jesus then your friend might miss the only time he/she could have heard about Him.

I hope this is your prayer today because I know it's mine. This can be tough sometimes but we have to trust God will help us through it and able to share our Faith with someone we know even though it will be hard, just pray about it, the person and for yourself before you try anything.

Thanks for reading guys.

Oh! And thank you for the 700 views!


Hello again 2am

It is once again 2 am and I am once again awake. I haven't even gotten to really catch up on the sleep I've lost before waking up at the most bizarre hour again. I just really want to go to sleep but seems I can't do that. 
Ugh. Today is going to be terrible (again). 
I have a psychology test today that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail and a midterm that is next Tuesday that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail as well. 
Ugh I just want sleep so badly. 

- a very tired Brittney 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A sleepless night leads to a tired Brittney

So I went to sleep about 9:30 last night, that's pretty good right? No it is not because I woke up at 2:30. So that's roughly 5 hours of sleep... I was already worn out from working two different jobs (mops from 9-12, then babysitting from 5:30-8:00) and doing physics practice problems and all my psychology homework for the week. I am so tired but I just couldn't get back to sleep. So now it is 5:22 am. I'm not even supposed to get up till 6:00 (it's the rule of the house.) so I'm venting on my blog, isn't that nice for you? ^_^ 
My goodness school is going to be terrible. I have to be able to discuss 12 chapters I read in lit class and be able to talk about one of the executive orders the president gave in Civics. And I have to be  alert enough to study for my psychology test. Not to mention I have to be a TA in chem today. 


So anyways how is your morning going?


Saturday, October 10, 2015


SO I'm thinking of starting to do vlogs because it seems super fun and stuff but I have no clue how to do that stuff. Like at all. I can talk a person's ear off and stuff but sit me in front of a camera and I just clam up.

Ugh, I guess I should get over that pretty soon, huh?


Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm drowning in homework

I have a butt-load of homework. It is crazy how much homework teachers put on us. I know it is normal and that people learn from this stuff but I won't be learning anything if I die of a stress related attack first. -_-
Its' not like it's a bunch of hard work but it's a lot of time consuming work and I just want to scream.

laptop animated GIF

SO this is me right now ^

Watching Arrow, blogging, and ignoring homework. Although I don't have chips... I should go get chips.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Sun and The Moon and The Stars

My fave quotes and poems are about the moon and sun and stars and space stuff and I don't really know why. So since we are talking about it might as well share a few VIA Pinterest.

"Tell me the story of how the sun 
loved the moon so much that he 
died every night to let her breathe."   

"You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars."
 - E.E. Cummings 

 "Even After All this time 
The sun never says 
To the Earth, "You owe me."
What happens 
With a love like that.
 It lights the Whole Sky." 

"She was like the moon -

 part of her was always hidden away." 

 "Stars can't shine without darkness." 

 "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." 

 I just love all of these so much. 

The Making Of 'The Amazing Book is Not on Fire'

My favorite youtubers in the whole world just posted this! GUYS THE BOOK IS OUT OH MY GOODNESS I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!

See you later, I'm going to be off fangirling!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I have a new app guys! It is called IFFT and it should be helping me post more on here, twitter and youtube so that will be awesome!

A new post will be coming soon guys! Thanks for giving me 500+ views!
