Something else that's awesome (but doesn't beat cancer survivoring obviously) is that I've had the opportunity to travel, I've been to 39 states and 4 countries (counting the U.S.A) and I'm going to London this may which is amazing to think about because I've always wanted to go there.
The biggest thing that's happened recently is that I've gotten a job offer to be a PA for Quinn (freaking) Loftis the author of The Grey Wolf Series (so good you should go read it). That is amazing and I'm so glad I get to do this.
Somethings in life don't go right but others do and when life doesn't go right you just have to remember the things that are and focus on those.
God has a plan and he will use you.
My friend died a year (almost two) ago and I was really sad and mad that she was gone because I didn't understand but if it wasn't for that happening my mom wouldn't have reached out to Quinn who was friends with my friend who died to help me go through it. If she didn't help me then I wouldn't have become her friend or babysit her kids or become her PA.
God works in mysterious ways and we just have to trust and hold on. Because we shouldn't just be going through stuff we should be growing through the stuff we do (does that make sense?).