

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Book signing day!

Today is the book signing and I'm already up and getting around. I'm super excited to be in Biloxi MS and go with Quinn to the signing. I can't wait to meet other authors and buy new books!!

I'll (of course) post pictures from today on here later or tomorrow.

See you guys then!

XOXO Brittney

Friday, March 6, 2015

Life with Travis

It is never boring when you hang out with a seven year old...
Travis: "Water is like plain but like with a flavor. I mean it has a flavor but it doesn't match any fruit." He then went on to ask if water came from a fruit and what flavor is water and what fruit taste like water....

Last night and so far today

We went to the Hard Rock Cafe last nights

Travis got eaten by a shark and we saw a lighthouse 
We took selfies as well